
BlockApex is a security-first blockchain consulting firm that provides a range of services related to blockchain technology with strong emphasis on security engineering and DeFi innovation for more inclusive, reliable and sustainable systems.

At BlockApex, we have two distinct branches that cater to entire protocol lifecycle management.

BlockApex specializes in blockchain agnostic security services including but not limited to Software assurance and security consultation. This includes proactive Threat modeling, Invariant development, DApp Penetration testing, and Smart contract audits.

BlockApex provides engineering services primarily related to Neo banking, Decentralized finance, Governance and Asset management infrastructures. This branch specializes in Complex System Design, DeFi Research, Tokenomics Design, Smart Contract & DApp development and Integrations.

Audit Reports:

Meta Pool - ICP Staking - Aug 8th, 2024

MetaPool StakedICP Final Audit Report.pdf

Last updated