Liquid Staking with stNEAR

What is liquid staking?

Liquid staking is an alternative to traditional staking: it allows users to stake any amount of NEAR and to effectively unstake their $NEAR without the requirement of waiting ~48-72hrs (4-6 epochs) before NEAR token holders get their compounded rewards.

Why liquid staking?

⁃ No lockup period: staking $NEAR, the current way in NEAR Web wallet requires you to lock your tokens and to unstake them, you will have to wait for ~48-72hrs (4-6 epochs).

⁃ Receive stNEAR: that you can use for DeFi protocols like lending, borrowing, liquidity providing etc.

What's the difference between the staking function in the NEAR token wallet and the staking in Meta Pool?

Staking $NEAR in NEAR Wallet stake your tokens in one single validator you pick. If you want your NEAR tokens back you required to wait ~48-64hrs (4 - 6 epochs).

In Meta Pool your tokens are delegated through a list of high performance validators and you can have your NEAR tokens back instantly in liquidity pool paying a fee. Validators Selection.

What is the minimum amount of NEAR to stake in Meta Pool? Do we need to select validators for staking? What are the requirements to become a validator in Meta Pool?

The minimum amount is 1 $NEAR, the main advantage of staking on Meta Pool is that we distribute your stake into 80+ validator nodes. This is done automatically through our staking smart contract. So, you do not have to choose which validator. Right now we do not have whitelist of validator nodes, since the NEAR Foundation process for new nodes helps filter the new service providers coming to the network. We do take into consideration the following criteria in order for Meta Pool to stake on new nodes:

  • Up time and performance

  • Percentage of NEAR rewards (yield)

  • Fee from the validator node, we look for validators who charge a low fee.

This is why we believe in permissionless protocols and how we incorporate it that into the Meta Pool protocol.

Validators Selection and How does Meta Pool Work?

How does unstaking works?

There are 2 options for unstaking: you can unstake immediatly "liquid-unstake / Fast Unstake" or you can do a "Delayed-unstake".

If you do "Liquid-unstake / Fast Unstake", you swap immediately $stNEAR to $NEAR/$wNEAR paying a liquidity fee (0,3-3%), or $stAUR to $AURORA paying a liquidity fee (2%) or $mpETH to $ETH paying a liquidity fee (0.3-5%)

Fast Unstake

If you use "Delayed-unstake" option there is no fee (zero fee), but you will need to wait 2-4 days to get your $NEAR, up to 4 days to get your $AURORA and up to 9 days to get your $ETH.

Delayed Unstake

In both cases, you will need a small amount of NEAR tokens to pay for transactions on the NEAR blockchain. On the Aurora and Ethereum network, you will need a small amount of ETH tokens to confirm transactions.

How long does it take to stake and unstake $NEAR in Meta Pool?

In Meta Pool you can stake $NEAR and/or unstake $NEAR immediately. There is no waiting time with our liquid staking solution.

A liquid unstake can be compared to a swap on DEXs.

Do I get rewards when unstaking, either "Liquid unstake" or "Delayed Unstake"?

In the future, both unstaking systems will give you mpDAO token. (This will be updated soon).

In the future, do you plan to do liquid staking of other tokens from the NEAR Ecosystem and NFTs? And even liquid staking of the mpDAO token?

Giving liquidity in each case according to the token. For example mpDAO --> $stmpDAO.

We are already into the Aurora node, now you can see stNEAR and mpDAO token in Aurora Network and bridging assets through Rainbow Bridge between NEAR and Aurora.

We are expanding into the Ethereum Network in July 2023.

As for mpDAO token we will have to wait and see what tokenomics can work for the governance of the Meta Pool protocol.

How to stake on Meta Pool Aurora Network?

Please, read our blog and $AURORA stake section.

Can I be a liquidity provider and staker at the same time in Meta Pool?

Of course, you can stake your tokens in Meta Pool and obtain $stNEAR and at the same time you can provide liquidity in Liquidity Pool and become a liquidity provider.


What is Liquid Staking?

Last updated