Voting in Meta Pool

The Meta Pool DAO operates on NEAR, but you can have Voting Power on both NEAR and Ethereum network. Below we explain how to vote on each network.

Voting with Voting Power in NEAR network

  1. If you don't have Voting Power yet, connect your NEAR wallet to lock your mpDAO tokens and get Voting Power (see here how to lock your mpDAO).

  2. Go to the Meta Pool product you want to vote for. Vote for validators, Grants, MPIPs, or projects in the Launchpad to get rewards.

You are already participating with your vote in Meta Pool DAO.

You can see your voted positions in My Votes, Votes section.

Voting with Voting Power in Ethereum network

In order to vote with your Voting Power in Ethereum, you need to delegate your Ethereum account and have it represented by a NEAR account.

  1. If you don't have Voting Power yet, connect your Ethereum wallet to lock your mpDAO tokens and get Voting Power (see here how to lock your mpDAO and to get mpDAO).

  2. Delegate your Ethereum account to be represented by a NEAR account. Here we explain how.

  3. Vote with your Ethereum mpDAO with your NEAR representative account.

  4. Go to the Meta Pool product you want to vote for. Vote for validators, Grants, MPIPs, or projects in the Launchpad to get rewards.

You are already participating with your vote in Meta Pool DAO.

You can see your voted positions in My Votes, Votes section (From your NEAR representative account).

Last updated