What is mpDAO?
mpDAO is the Governance token of Meta Pool. It allows holders of mpDAO tokens to be part of Meta Pool's decisions. Being a holder of mpDAO makes you a participant in the Meta Pool DAO.
How much will mpDAO cost?
To obtain mpDAO on Ethereum, follow these instructions.
How will Meta Pool governance work on Ethereum?
Starting in mid-May 2024, you will be able to link your Ethereum wallet with your NEAR wallet (in case you don't have one, to operate in the governance of you will need to create a NEAR wallet). Governance will be managed from NEAR, so you can lock your mpDAO tokens on Ethereum, but your Voting Power will be functional on NEAR.
During the first few months (approximately 2-3 months), mpDAO tokens acquired on Ethereum will only require locking to earn rewards. After that period, they will need to vote on different voting options in to earn rewards.
Will Meta Pool governance stop being on NEAR?
No, the governance of Meta Pool remains on NEAR. The main difference lies in being able to acquire mpDAO tokens on the Ethereum network as well as the NEAR network. However, all the votes required for governance are conducted on the NEAR network.
How can I obtain mpDAO?
Acquiring additional mpDAO will, for the time being, only be available on the Ethereum network. Here is how to get mpDAO.
What can I vote on to earn rewards?
Meta Pool provides different voting options. You can vote on Validators, Grants, and MPIPs. Important: Those who acquire mpDAO on the Ethereum network will not be able to vote until they can link their Ethereum wallet with the NEAR wallet.
What should I do to earn rewards?
To earn rewards, it's important to participate in the Meta Pool DAO. You can participate in the Meta Pool DAO by voting. The current voting possibilities are: Validators, Grants, and MPIPs.
Here is more information: My votes.
Last updated