Fast Unstake
Learn how to unstake in Meta Pool step by step
Last updated
Learn how to unstake in Meta Pool step by step
Last updated
There are 2 options to unstake in Meta Pool: you can Liquid Unstake (Fast Unstake) or do a Traditional Unstake (called Delayed Unstake).
You may unstake your LST (Liquid Staked Token - stNEAR, stAUR, mpETH or stQ) immediately by paying a small fee and using the Liquid Unstake feature. Doing this you are actually swapping your LST token for the original Digital Asset + staking rewards. This is made possible thanks to Meta Pool liquidity pool.
To Fast Unstake simply:
Select then the Fast Unstake option.
Enter the amount of the LST (stNEAR, stAUR, mpETH or stQ) you wish to unstake.
Review the current Liquid Unstake Fee and decide whether you want to proceed.
Click the Unstake button and approve the transaction.
After a few seconds, your transaction has been confirmed by the blockchain, you'll have your original Digital Asset + staking rewards on your wallet.
Note: Meta Pool liquidity fee has a different range depending on the selected token. It varies linearly according to the quantity of liquidity available in Meta Pool Liquidity Pool.
$stNEAR to $NEAR: from 0.3% to 3%
$stNEAR to $wNEAR: 0.4%
$stAUR to $AURORA: 2%
$mpETH to $ETH: 0.3% to 5%
$stQ to $QGOV: 0%