FAQ Voting

What do I need to vote?

Voting allows you to get voting power, voters rewards and to participate in the distributions of funds from Meta Pool’s DAO: Choose projects to be launched on Meta Yield, validators to give extra delegation and initiatives to receive funds for support projects.

Who can vote in the DAO?

All mpDAO token token holders who gain voting power by locking their tokens. This voting power can be utilized and reassigned to new voting positions in future voting rounds.

Is there any minimum voting power to vote? or maximum?

The minimum to vote is 1 and without maximum.

Where can I vote and get Voting Power?

In metapool.app, at the Vote section.

Lock your mpDAO tokens for a chosen period of time and get Voting Power.

Do I receive any payments for participating in voting rounds?

Meta Pool distributes 65%* of their fees among the users that hold voting power in the DAO. *Check the last proposal approved for more details https://dev.near.org/meta-pool-official.near/widget/ImprovementProposals?tab=proposal&mpip_id=09

What is Lock Period, Unbond period, Withdraw and Locking Position?

To obtain Voting Power you will have to lock your mpDAO. To lock your mpDAO you must choose an “Unbonding period”.

Depending on the time chosen or in other words, the longer the Unbonding period chosen, the more Voting Power you will get. So is how you create a locking position to obtain voting power.

In Meta Pool Vote there are three stages of locking positions:

  • Lock Period: Period that starts at the creation of your locking position and allows you to vote (with Voting Power) and participate in the Meta Pool DAO. As long as your Lock Position is active and you have voted you will get payments for participating in the DAO.

  • Unbond Period: In order to withdraw your mpDAOs you must start unbonding. This time is chosen at the moment of creating your locking position. You must wait for it to end before you can withdraw your mpDAOs. It should be noted that during this period you will not be able to vote or participate in the DAO with this Locking Position.

  • Withdraw: once the Unbond period is over, the withdrawal of your mpDAOs is enabled.

Last updated