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What is $stICP?


Step 1: Selecting a Wallet

To start staking ICP through Meta Pool, users first need to select an ICP wallet. We offer multiple wallet options to accommodate different user preferences.

Step 2: Connecting to Meta Pool

After choosing a wallet, users need to connect it to the official Meta Pool website at Once connected, users can create a transaction to deposit ICP and mint stICP tokens. These tokens represent a share in the staked ICP tokens within the protocol Neurons, and their value increases as more ICP is staked.

Step 3: Withdrawing Funds

When users wish to withdraw their funds, they need to create a withdrawal order. The withdrawal process can take up to six months, depending on the protocol's liquidity. To offer more flexibility, we plan to introduce a liquidity pool that will allow users to instantly swap between stICP and ICP, bypassing the waiting period. However, as this is a blockchain environment, anyone could potentially create a similar liquidity pool.

Last updated